Avulsion: An avulsion injury refers usually to a traumatic injury which has had some sort of pulling force applied.
Simply put, it is partial tear in one of the rotator cuff tendons of the shoulder (usually supraspinatus).
Cause of PASTA lesions
PASTA lesions are very common type of rotator cuff pathology. It is generally seen in athletes under the age of 45 involved in contact or throw sports. Main cause of PASTA lesion is twisting or pulling of the shoulder. It can also be caused by any traumatic and forceful fall or ageing. PASTA lesions can be present with pain when lifting outwards, overhead and throwing. Fatigue of the shoulder on account of overhead activities is common. PASTA lesions can also be found in younger people and people who smoke.
Symptoms of PASTA lesions
Excruciating pain while lifting the arm overhead, outward or in a throwing gesture and weakness in the shoulder after performing activities that involve overhead lifting repeatedly are the common signs that signify PASTA lesion.
Diagnosis of PASTA lesions
Clinical diagnosis of PASTA lesions can be challenging as not all PASTA lesions show symptoms. Though the natural history of PASTA lesions remain vague, tendon tear is generally associated with pain and disability. Pain is generally present in the arc of motion between 60° and 120°. Pain is generally triggered by resisted abduction with the shoulder positioned at 90° of abduction. It has been clinically proven that more that 50% of the PASTA lesions tend to enlarge. When doctor examines the patient suspected to have PASTA lesion, pain may be felt during the Empty Can (Jobe) Test or the LaFosse test. The tear can be seen on ultrasound scan or plain MRI scan. However, MRI scan or MR Arthrogram (where dye is injected into the joint before the scan) taken in a special position called the ABER (ABduction and External Rotation) position is more accurate. The ABER MRI scan is taken with the arm above the patient’s head in the scanner.
PASTA lesion can be precisely diagnosed at key-hole surgery (arthroscopy).
Treatment of the PASTA lesions varies in accordance with the stage and pathology. Generally it begins with conservative treatment. However, when more than one half of the thickness of the supraspinatus tendon is torn (Ellman or Snyder Grade 3) operative procedure in symptomatic patients is indicated. The final choice of treatment modality for the treatment of PASTA lesions is based on factors such as clinical evaluation, imaging findings, and classification of the tear.
Treatment options are either conservative or surgical.
Conservative treatment
Conservative treatment generally begins with physical therapy. Rest or activity modification with the avoidance of movements that cause pain is the first line of treatment. Pain and inflammation can be contained with the help of oral non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. In some cases corticosteroids may also be prescribed for pain relief. However, it is important to note that both non-steroidal anti-inflammatory and corticosteroid drugs may have harmful effects on long-term tendon healing.
When conservative treatments fail bring the desired result, surgery is generally required.
Surgical treatment
Surgery is usually suggested if the patient’s pain is not coming down by three to six months of nonoperative treatment, including activity modification, avoidance of overhead or pain-provoking actions, NSAID use, physical therapy, strengthening, and subacromial or glenohumeral steroid injections.
There are various surgical options including:
1) Debridement in isolation
2) Debridement with an acromioplasty
3) Rotator cuff repair
Before zeroing in on a surgical procedure, factors such as the size of the tear, the patient’s age and the level of activity of the person are taken into account.
Every case is different, so is the recovery after surgery. Success of recovery depends on several factors, including repair techniques, healing process related to timing, rehabilitation programs, and patient compliance with home exercises.
For questions related to PASTA Lesions, send a message to www.BangaloreShoulderInstitute.com/contact