Suture Anchors

One of the most common injuries among athletes is the partial or complete detachment of ligaments, tendons and/or other soft tissues from their associated bones. These injuries occur as a result of excessive stresses placed on these soft tissues. In severe cases of detachment of these soft tissues, surgery might be required to reattach these soft tissues to their associated bones. Numerous fixation devices are currently available to fix these soft tissue to the bones. Examples include staples, screws, suture anchors and tacks. Suture Anchor fixation is one of the most important innovations in arthroscopic surgeries. The original suture anchor ...

Arthroscopic Subacromial Decompression – A Comprehensive Guide

Subacromial decompression is a type of surgery on the shoulder, which is performed for treating a condition known as shoulder impingement – in which you experience pain when you try to lift their arm. This condition is treated by arthroscopy. This procedure is done as a stand-alone procedure only if the condition doesn't respond to conservative treatment - steroid injection and physiotherapy. People engage in activities that require them to frequently lift the arms above their heads are more likely to be affected by shoulder impingement. What Is Shoulder Impingement? Shoulder impingement occurs when the tendons in the narrow space ...

Shoulder Arthroscopy For Rotator Cuff Tears

Arthroscopy is originated from two Greek words – arthro meaning joint and skopein meaning to look. Thus, Arthroscopy can be literally translated to - to look within the joint. In an Arthroscopy procedure, the surgeon inserts a small camera known as an Arthroscope, into a small incision made into the shoulder joint. This camera provides pictures of the inside of the shoulder joints, which helps the surgeon to have a closer look at and repair the damaged tissues. It is most often recommended for repairing the damaged or torn rotator cuffs in the shoulder joints, although the procedure is also ...

Can Winter Affect Your Shoulder?

Have you ever noticed how during winter, your body, especially your shoulder, experiences a sudden onslaught of pain when exposed to the cold outside? Well, research has shown that it is indeed the cold weather that causes a lot of discomfort in your otherwise healthy body. But why is it particularly more felt in the necks and shoulders? The answer lies in our habits. Throughout the year, we indulge in a multitude of activities that put a lot of stress on the neck and shoulders – lifting heavy weights, mental stress, improper sitting position, etc. However, during winters, when we ...

Shoulder Pain after Breast Cancer Treatment

Breast cancer treatment is a life-saving treatment and there are no two ways about its necessity, adequacy and curing capabilities. As you may know, cancer cannot be cured with mild treatment and when protecting the life of the patient is paramount, it calls for strong treatment modalities.  We are fortunate to have so many targeted treatments.  Due to the intensity of the breast cancer treatment, it may leave the patient with some side effects post the treatment regimen.  Physical ailments that arise out of breast cancer treatment can range from minor to major.  It may include experiencing pain, numbness and ...

Say goodbye to Shoulder Pain

The shoulder joint is the most mobile and the most complex joint of the body. Be it lifting a bucket of water or reaching up into the cupboard, given the number of everyday activities it is involved in, shoulder pain is something that you get from time to time. Our shoulder has the flexibility to turn in many directions. But this advantage can be the very disadvantage that makes the shoulder prone to injuries and pain thereafter. The reasons for shoulder pain can be from osteoarthritis, muscle tears, tendonitis etc. In fact, there are numerous possibilities due to the anatomy ...
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