Diagnosing Rotator Cuff Tears

The role of the rotator cuff is to stabilize the ball and socket of the shoulder joint and this gets done with the help of a group of four muscles – the Supraspinatus, infraspinatus, teres minor and the subscapularis. When there is a tear in the body or tendon of any one of these muscles then this could lead to a rotator cuff tear. In fact, the injuries to the rotator cuff happens to be the most common among shoulder injuries. The symptoms of a torn rotator cuff muscle can be different based on which muscle is injured and how ...

Types of Shoulder Instability

Shoulders become unstable because of two major reasons. First reason is due to structural causes and the second cause is because of the development of unbalanced muscle recruitment around the shoulder. When the head of the upper arm bone is forced out of the shoulder socket following a sudden injury or from overuse a shoulder instability can occur. The basic forms of shoulder instability are subluxations and dislocations. A subluxation is a partial or incomplete dislocation whereas a dislocation is when the head of the arm bone slips out of the shoulder socket. When there is a possibility for chronic ...

Tests to Diagnose Shoulder Instability

The normal function of your shoulder can be disrupted because of many things and since most shoulder conditions seemingly have similar symptoms it is important to get an accurate diagnosis from a specialist. A variety of specialized shoulder tests can be employed by the doctor to find out if the patient is suffering from shoulder instability. Special tests are required to determine the precise cause of pain, whether it is a muscle or tendon problem, a joint impingement, or shoulder instability. The aim of these tests is to help with the diagnostic process and to decide on an effective treatment ...

Shoulder Instability & Dislocation – The difference

With an amazing range of motion, the shoulder is the most mobile joint in your body. There is a constant necessity for the shoulder joint to maintain a balancing act between mobility and stability. When this balancing act goes wrong, in both directions the shoulders begin to lose their mobility and turns stiff. The shoulder joint is a ball-and-socket joint in which the humerus bone fits into a cup-shaped glenoid socket of the shoulder blade. When it is not possible to maintain the humeral head within the centre of the glenoid when the arm is being mobilized, it can lead ...

Shoulder Conditions in Diabetes

Diabetes can affect the musculoskeletal system in many ways and the shoulder is the most commonly affected joint. The severity and the risks of musculoskeletal complications and the various associated ailments can certainly inflict both physical and psychological harm on people with diabetes. Shoulder issues that affect diabetic patients are often characterized by pain and limited range of motion of one or both shoulders. Shoulder pain can get in the way of quality of life and daily activities and could also directly or indirectly interfere with control of metabolic processes. There have been studies showing that there is a higher ...

The Right Posture

Staying fit in both body and mind as they say is not a destination, it is a lifestyle. If you can bring about a world of a difference to your physical and mental health by some slight adjustments in your daily posture then why not? Now what exactly does good posture mean. It is definitely more than appearing poised or confident. Good posture is when whatever position you choose to do your weight-bearing activity does not put much strain on the supporting muscles or ligaments. Bad posture brought on by slouching, slumping or weight issues is actually quite detrimental to ...
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