Our shoulder has multiple nerves that form a nerve complex. Some of them come from the neck, known as the cervical spine. Nerve entrapment in the shoulder happens when the structure of a shoulder puts pressure on or compresses the nerves that come down from the neck.

Nerves are also entrapped when the muscles surrounding the shoulder nerves become tight or when there is formation of adhesions between nerve and tissues. These kinds of nerve injuries disturb the neural signals from our brain, affecting movement and causing pain at the site and nearby structures.

Different Causes of Nerve Entrapment in the Shoulder

Shoulder nerve entrapment is caused mainly by the pressure on either the cervical nerves or the shoulder nerve complex. This entrapment can start from the bone, inflamed tissue, muscles, or any bone protrusions. Some of the other common causes are:

Degeneration of the cervical disc

In some cases, the spinal discs wear down over time, causing them to rub together, leading to the development of bone spurs that put pressure on the nerve. Moreover, spinal discs also prolapse, causing pressure on the nerves.


Injuries caused by a car accident, decisive blows to the shoulder, and falls also lead to shoulder injuries that press on the nerves.

Muscle overuse

When muscles are overused or overstretched, it causes tightness, forming entrapment of nerves.

Symptoms of Nerve Entrapment

When the shoulder is entrapped because of any of the causes listed above, it causes pain over your shoulder blade, neck, chest, or arm. Some of the other symptoms include:

  • Decreased range of movement
  • Numbness
  • Tightness
  • Spasm


Nerve entrapment in your shoulder does not improve until you treat the cause. If you think you have nerve entrapment and are experiencing pain in your shoulder, then it’s vital to consult a medical practitioner. Imaging tests are done to determine the cause and level of the injury. Physical therapy benefits by decreasing pain and inflammation. Some of the other treatment methods include:

  • Stretching and strengthening exercises
  • Reinstating the range of movement
  • Improvement of posture
  • Massaging soft tissue
  • Therapies like shockwave
  • Taping
  • Home exercising programs
  • Dry needling

If the pain and range of movement are more significant, avoiding driving and other strenuous activities is recommended. Heat and ice application, along with rest, works best. If required, pain reduction and anti-inflammation medication are prescribed. 

When symptoms start getting better, the following things can be tried to prevent any episode of pain:

  • Focus on maintaining correct posture while sleeping and sitting at your desk. Please adjust the height of your chair and keyboard to decrease the strain on your back.
  • Engaging in various exercises regularly helps in decreasing stiffness and maintaining a healthy weight.
  • Massaging can boost circulation to areas that are inflamed and support healing. Massages also assist in relieving muscle tension.
  • A good physical therapist helps recommend various exercises and suggests improving postures at home and work.


An entrapped nerve in your shoulder is a painful issue that often leads to weakness, numbness, and tingling in your hand and arm. Several over-the-counter measures may help treat it; surgical options are available as well. However, timely treatment is important for pain management and fast healing.

For enquiries and online appointments, send a message to

For informative videos related to Shoulder problems and their treatment options, Sports
Injuries and other orthopedic conditions, visit the YouTube channel Bangalore Shoulder
Institute – https://www.youtube.com/@BangaloreShoulderInstitute

Q&As for Quora

  1. How does nerve entrapment in the shoulder occur?

Nerves in the shoulder become entrapped when there are adhesions between the nerve and nearby tissues. Additionally, entrapped nerves also develop when the surrounding tissues become tight. This results in intervention of the signals that are transmitted by the nerves. One of the most common nerves that become entrapped is the suprascapular nerve. Even if this entrapment does not cause any long-term effects, it can lead to consistent pain in your shoulder, muscle depletion, and several other effects when left untreated. It also restricts from participating in sporting activities.

For enquiries related to nerve entrapment in the shoulder, visit www.BangaloreShoulderInstitute.com

  1. What are the different imaging tests for diagnosing nerve entrapment in the shoulder?

For a thorough examination, imaging tests such as X-rays and MRI scans are done. An X-ray offers details about the bones present in the spine and not about the nerves or the discs. But through X-ray, your doctor can know the extent of narrowing that has occurred in between your vertebrae. If bone spurs are developed and if the pain is intense in the shoulder, then an X-ray of the joint can help the doctor diagnose any signs of arthritis or bone injury.

An MRI helps in the diagnosis of an entrapped nerve. This is because it can reveal the health of the discs and the nerves. Both the imaging tests are painless. MRI also shows the soft tissue on your shoulder and determines whether the pain is from the ligaments or the tendons.

For enquiries related to nerve entrapment in the shoulder, visit www.BangaloreShoulderInstitute.com

  1. What are the various risk factors of nerve entrapment in the shoulder?

Certain risk factors increase the chance of development nerve entrapment in the shoulder. These include:

  • Participation in contact sports such as football.
  • Carrying a backpack that is poorly fitted and heavy.
  • Riding motorcycle.
  • Cancers like breast or lung cancer might migrate to the shoulder area and create nerve entrapment.
  • Any surgery that is done in and around the shoulder area.

For enquiries related to nerve entrapment in the shoulder, visit www.BangaloreShoulderInstitute.com

  1. How do you keep your shoulders strong when you are obese?

Having a diet rich in nutrients required for strong bones, such as calcium and vitamin D, is one of the best steps to start with. Certain exercises, especially strength training, also help, but you need check with your doctor if they are safe for you. Losing some weight can also increase the mineral density of your bone.

For enquiries related to shoulder problems and treatment options, visit www.BangaloreShoulderInstitute.com

  1. How are obesity and bone health interconnected?

Obesity and bone health share a very complex relationship. While on one side, an individual with a high BMI has long been associated with strong bones and a low risk of osteoporosis, on the other side, obesity enhances the risk of getting fractures, especially in the elderly. It is because of the extra loads on the joints that connect the bones. If you are trying to lose weight, keep in mind that you will also lose muscle that supports bones for which your bones are at enhanced risk of weakness. These are some of the cases of how obesity and bone health are interconnected.

For enquiries related to obesity and bone health, visit www.BangaloreShoulderInstitute.com

  1. How does obesity affect bone mass?

Obesity, in which your overweight is because of excess fat, affects the bone mass by decreasing it. Obesity hinders bone metabolism because of mechanical, inflammatory, and hormonal factors. All these factors are closely associated with your weight, dietary patterns, and the composition of the body. It is important to identify the patients who are at higher risk of getting bone diseases in relation to obesity for initiating a required intervention.

For enquiries related to obesity and bone health, visit www.BangaloreShoulderInstitute.com

  1. How long does it take for shoulder ligament injuries to heal?

The recovery time for shoulder ligament injuries depends on the extent of severity or damage. In mild cases, you can easily return to normal activities within a week or two, and moderate injuries require six to eight weeks. But when the injury is severe, the recovery time after appropriate treatment is long, and you need to ensure that you are fine to start shoulder-based activity without any risk of injuring yourself again. Some of the factors that slow down your recovery are:

Your work

If your work requires more shoulder motion, your body will need more time to recover from a shoulder injury. 


With increasing age, the ability of your body to heal also slows down, which means you also become prone to more injuries and injury-related pains may also become chronic.

For enquiries related to shoulder ligament injuries and their treatment options, visit www.BangaloreShoulderInstitute.com

  1. Is surgery required for every shoulder ligament injury?

Surgery is not required for every type of shoulder ligament injury. It depends on the kind of injury and its severity. Most mild and moderate cases of shoulder ligament injury can be managed efficiently with various non-surgical treatment methods, such as rest, physical therapies, and proper medications. These approaches result in recovery. But when the injury is severe, such asfull ligament tears, or in cases where conservative treatment does not provide much relief, surgery is required to repair or reconstruct the affected ligaments and restore shoulder joint stability.

For enquiries related to shoulder ligament injuries and their treatment options, visit www.BangaloreShoulderInstitute.com

  1. What are some long-term effects of shoulder ligament injury if left untreated?

When shoulder ligament injuries are left untreated or are managed improperly, it results in chronic pain, decreased mobility, and an unstable shoulder joint. In many cases, it also contributes to developing conditions such as osteoarthritis. If you think you have shoulder ligament injury, it is vital to properly consult the right healthcare professionals for full evaluation. They will make the right diagnosis and provide the required treatment plan for your specified condition.

For enquiries related to shoulder ligament injuries and their treatment options, visit www.BangaloreShoulderInstitute.com

  1. Is it possible to prevent shoulder ligament injuries?

Even if it is not possible to prevent all kinds of shoulder ligament injuries, there are some steps one can take to decrease the risk and promote shoulder health. These mainly involve: strengthening exercise regime, maintaining the right posture, use of workspace that is ergonomically sound , careful lifting of objects, proper rest, and an active lifestyle. It is also important to avoid overuse and use protective gear in high-risk activities. But still, accidents might occur, so it’s important to go for timely medical intervention that can prevent small issues from becoming severe.

For enquiries related to shoulder ligament injuries and their treatment options, visit www.BangaloreShoulderInstitute.com

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